Mastermind's Guidance Package
My specialty is working with clients over a number of sessions to help them maximize the upcoming transits and use the planetary positions to time their yearly goals. Mastermind’s Guidance Package includes a natal chart reading (60 minutes), your yearly solar return reading (60 minutes - delivered by your birthday), and one transit reading (60 minutes) to maximize the amazing astrology 2025 has to offer. (All live via Zoom).
I will also include two 15-minute phone-calls to chat through your evolutionary journey, your manifestation achievements, and to further help you align your goals accordingly. Mastermind’s Guidance Package aims to help the client achieve steps within their karmic journey as outlined by their natal chart and their unique individual goals.
FYI - I see ample manifestation power in 2024, while 2025 will prove more challenging on a collective level. Either way, guidance will be needed for both years and beyond!